Saturday, November 7, 2009

Photoshop Actions Take 2

As promised, here is another picture I edited using one of the free actions I downloaded.

I liked this picture, but it seemed just a tad too bright. Nothing wrong with that, but I wanted a different look to it.

So..I did the Vintage Blush action. Perfect!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Free Photoshop and Photoshop Elements Actions

I know it's been a long time since I've posted here. I'm hoping with this unemployment period that I can get back to sharing my photos with you guys. Obviously for now I've abandoned the 365 days of photos idea and I'll just be posting pics and links that I think are relevant.

Sound good?

Ok, as promised I'm going to give you a link to some free photoshop actions. If you're like me, you're cheap and don't feel like paying for actions. I've been trying forever to find an action that will replicate a vintage photo.

I found this website via the Pioneer Woman actions set on Flickr.


If you have trouble installing the actions or just don't know how she's included a link to explain everything. Trust me..If I can install them. So can you!


Here is one example of a picture I used her actions on.

The Original Pic:

Vintage Action: (I also cropped it)

Cool huh? I'll try to do more examples of the actions in a few days.